Update to 1.06 (Revaire Siblings version)

Hello again all you wonderful people!

Thanks to all your help, update 1.06 is ready!

-Fixed Gisette sneakily getting her lovers two new game + credits for one- you should now only get the correct epilogue and boost

-Changed it to make the choice for the Gisette/Jarrod ending more clear

-Fixed a bug breaking Jarrod's ending on his romance path

-The game should now remember that Jarrod isn't thrilled about the peace endings when you are marrying him

-Added an experimental option during the game mode selection that allows you to delete persistent data (earned achievements, seen text, unlocked backgrounds, bonuses and characters) I'm not 100% this will work, but I have my fingers crossed

and other various small fixes

Thank you again my adorable army of bug hunters <3 You guys are all seriously the best!


SevenKingdoms_ThePrincessProblem(EA)v1.06-mac.zip 883 MB
2 days ago
SevenKingdoms_ThePrincessProblem(EA)v1.06-pc.zip 901 MB
2 days ago

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Hi! What do you mean by "-Changed it to make the choice for the Gisette/Jarrod ending more clear"? Like the requirements for it are easier or that dialogue has been changed?

(1 edit)

I made it an explicit dialogue choice now. You actively pick if you want it or not during Jarrod's pol marriage scene in the last week <3