Thank you! (+ Clean Slate Version and 1.07 update)

Hello again all you incredibly wonderful people. 

First off, I want to thank you all *so* *so* *so* much. It's been an incredible launch, and you guys have made something that was initially sort of terrifying and overwhelming into a lovely experience. 

Thank you all for your notes, comments, tumblr asks and enthusiasm! Seeing people love the game genuinely makes everything worth it! Especially thank you to everyone who has spread the word and brought new people into the adorable army family. (And not only is the adorable army the best people, it's also super global! You guys are seriously from all over the world. The fact that we have all come together is amazing!)

Thank you also for all the amazing bug hunting, typo sniping and general help. Thanks to you guys the game is already in way better shape than just a week ago. Someday soon we may swim out of the bug ocean into relatively calm waters, and it's all because of your invaluable help and patience.

Also thanks to a great start I can finally replace my laptop that has spent the past six months randomly crashing. Future progress should be correspondingly quicker thanks to your beautiful people and your wonderful generosity and support.  <3 <3 <3

Now on to the new update!

Clean Slate Version - I've added a new, separate version with the clean slate option. This will show up during the beginning of the game, giving you the choice to delete all persistent data (achievements, unlocks etc.) and seen text. In order to prevent accidental clickage, I've taken it out of the main version. (I've added making it an option in preferences on the list of changes for the gui overhaul)  It's up to date with 1.07, but in the future as new versions come out you can still download the clean slate version, take the clean slate option, and go back to the updated game and the data should still be cleared.

Fixes for 1.07 

-Sayra's giant disembodied head should stop looming behind negotiations

-The chicken should stop sabotaging the play (at least in the bug sense... as for in the narrative sense. It's one naughty chicken.)

-When marrying Hamin with the Hise Pirate background, mass amnesia where the game didn't remember you actually were from Hise in the first place should be fixed

-Trying to increase peace in Revaire during negotiations no longer falsely claims you are actually trying to increase conflict

-If Jarrod marries Sayra, the game now remembers he can't also marry you

and other miscellaneous typo and bug fixes


CLEAN SLATE VERSION (only download if you want option to delete seen text and earned achievements)(EA) 883 MB
2 days ago
CLEAN SLATE VERSION (only download if you want option to delete seen text and earned achievements)(EA) 901 MB
2 days ago
SevenKingdoms_ThePrincessProblem(EA) 883 MB
2 days ago
SevenKingdoms_ThePrincessProblem(EA) 901 MB
2 days ago

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