Happy Early Access!

Hello again all you wonderful people <3 

I hope you all have had a lovely weekend, and if it's hot in your corner of the world you are all staying cool and well hydrated!

First off all backers should now have their itch.io keys. Check your backer messages/kickstarter email. Paypal backers and giveaway winners should have them in the email they backed/won with. If something went wrong and yours is missing or didn't work, send me a message! (Kickstarter backers should message on kickstarter and other backers with the email they used for paypal/won the giveaway with. - a couple of these bounced, so if your old email doesn't exist anymore, send me a new email with your name and what your old email was. Emails should go to azalynestudios(at)gmail.com

This build is early access. Specifically that means:

-bugs and typos are to be expected 

-some aspects are not finalized and will be replaced later (i.e. the GUI, journal and extra galleries)

-some content is yet to be added, specifically:

-Three unlockable character/romance routes (Leala, Greer, And Kade)

-Three hidden backgrounds

-The stats achievements (the chibi army)

When all the above is added and properly shiny, the game will leave early access, at which point it will go on steam. Everyone who gets the game on itch.io will also get a steam key after the full release.

For people who have already downloaded, the game has been updated to version 1.03

Thanks to the amazing and experienced help of some returning members of the alpha era team, a bunch of new bugs have already been found and squashed. Some of those bugs impact some endings in a major way, so it's good to get the newer versions.

New bugs are being found and reported as we speak. (It's like dealing with a hydra, for every bug I kill, two more appear in it's place >.X) For now, unless we get a new major or game breaking bug I'm holding off on 1.04 for a few days so it can be a bigger update instead of several small ones.

The game should be totally playable with only the occasional hiccup in it's current state, but if you wait a few days for the kinks to work out, some people might enjoy it better. 

Also for those coming from old builds or demo saves - a lot of things have changed. Loading old saves always bears a risk of causing issues and problems. For a best bet a new save is always a good idea.

I put together a new demo this morning that hopefully should be much more compatible with the full game. It's on the game page.

Early access opens for everyone on Friday! (6/28)


What's next?

Aside from bug fixes, keep an eye out next month for a special early access release celebration. More to come!

Thank you all again for your amazing support! None of this would have been possible without you. 




SevenKingdoms_ThePrincessProblem(EA)v1.03-mac.zip 883 MB
6 days ago
SevenKingdoms_ThePrincessProblem(EA)v1.03-pc.zip 901 MB
6 days ago
SevenKingdoms_ThePrincessProblem(Demo)v1.01-mac.zip 869 MB
6 days ago
SevenKingdoms_ThePrincessProblem(Demo)v1.01-pc.zip 886 MB
6 days ago

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